Alphabet soup. What is SSD?

Marcos Chiquetto Anybody who is up-to-date on notebooks understands this phrase. But, what do these letters stand for? What do they mean?

PDF Files

Marcos Chiquetto A brief explanation of what a PDF is, why it was created, and the problem of taking a translation job to be done from an original in PDF.


Marcos Chiquetto An introductory view of what Transcreation is.

The QWERTY Problem

Marcos Chiquetto A good solutions for a technological problem today can be a serious problem tomorrow

Geostationary Satellites

Marcos Chiquetto How come satellite antennas are fixed while the corresponding satellites are in constant movement?

Beware of Irony

Marcos Chiquetto The dangers of being ironic in written language.

The Service you don’t see

Marcos Chiquetto This article shows that a good translation is a text that does not seem to be a translation.

The post-modern Babel

Marcos Chiquetto This article is a good start for someone who is entering the translation industry. Why did translation become such a strong industry over the last few decades? Where translation fits in the current global economy? What are the demands of the market?

Why Translation Agencies Need Technology

Marcos Chiquetto An introductory view of the software tools used in a translation agency, including the translation memory tool, the machine translation engine and the QA tools.

Officially you sell to companies. Actually you sell to people.

Marcos Chiquetto This article deals with the most important concept in the current maketing theory: the importance of building a strong relationship with the client, specially with the people you work with. A real example in the translation industry provides the basis for the discussion.

What is Behind a Simple Software Update

Marcos Chiquetto A quick view of the global chain of service providers that forms the translation industry. What happens when a small update is made to an original software in English, requiring that the corresponding update be made in various languages across the world.

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